
microverses (est. May 2020) aims to be a hub for very short speculative fiction, poetry, and other narrative formats. We publish reviews of flash fiction and poetry, as well as regular features of microfiction and tiny poetry. We believe that constraint is an art form.


We want this site to be a long-term place to discover and discuss extremely short-form speculative work. To that end, these are the goals we have in mind for microverses:

  • Year 1 – 2020. Publish Octavos and Constraint 280 on schedule and build up an archive of reviews. Provide news coverage (opportunities, calls for submissions, award coverage, etc.) related to micro-form narratives. Build readership.
  • Year 2 – 2021. Begin hosting annual Reader’s Poll for favorite flash fiction, poetry, and other micro work published in the previous year.
  • Year 3 – 2022. Break even on publishing and hosting costs, projected to be 800 USD/year.
  • Year 5 – 2024. Provide cash prize for Reader’s Poll winners, initially set at 100 USD for the winner of each category, to be increased if budget permits.


S. Qiouyi Lu (s@qiouyi.lu) reviews and reads submissions for microverses.

To join us, please contact S. with a brief introduction to your background, your interest in microverses, and sample reviews if relevant.


  • S. Qiouyi Lu writes, translates, and edits between two coasts of the Pacific. Ær debut biocyberpunk novella In the Watchful City is out now from Tordotcom Publishing, and ær other work has appeared in several award-winning venues. You can find out more about S. at ær website s.qiouyi.lu or on Twitter @sqiouyilu.

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