Constraint 280

[For sale: salvaged] by L. P. Melling

For sale: salvaged baby space bubble, tear resealed.


  • L. P. Melling currently writes from the East of England, UK after academia and a legal career took him around the country. His fiction has appeared in such places as ASM, Frozen Wavelets, Hybrid Fiction, and Typehouse. When not writing, he works in London for a legal charity that advises and supports victims of crime. You can find out more about his work at his website:

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L. P. Melling

L. P. Melling currently writes from the East of England, UK after academia and a legal career took him around the country. His fiction has appeared in such places as ASM, Frozen Wavelets, Hybrid Fiction, and Typehouse. When not writing, he works in London for a legal charity that advises and supports victims of crime. You can find out more about his work at his website: