
Saying Goodbye by David Calogero Centorbi

of ashes
blows away
into every
lost possibility

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com


  • David Calogero Centorbi is a writer living in Detroit, MI. Recently published work in The Daily Drunk, Dreams Walking, Versification, Brown Bag Online, Horror Sleaze Trash, Anti-Heroin Chic, Crow Name, Dwelling Literary, Tiny Molecules, and Crepe & Pen. He can be found here on Twitter: @DavidCaCentorbi.

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David Calogero Centorbi

David Calogero Centorbi is a writer living in Detroit, MI. Recently published work in The Daily Drunk, Dreams Walking, Versification, Brown Bag Online, Horror Sleaze Trash, Anti-Heroin Chic, Crow Name, Dwelling Literary, Tiny Molecules, and Crepe & Pen. He can be found here on Twitter: @DavidCaCentorbi.